Intellectual Property Rights Miningwatchdog Marketplace

Henry Darius

Last Update 6 個月前

Miningwatchdog Marketplace is dedicated to providing customers with the widest selection of goods on Earth and creating an amazing customer experience. Miningwatchdog Marketplace does not allow listings that violate the intellectual property rights of brands or other rights owners. This page provides information about intellectual property (IP) rights and common IP concerns that might arise when selling on Miningwatchdog Marketplace. This is not legal advice. You should consult a lawyer if you have a specific question about your IP rights or the IP rights of others. Copyright 1. What is a copyright? A copyright protects original works of authorship). Generally, copyright law is meant to incentivize the creation of original works of authorship for the benefit of the public. To receive copyright protection, a work of authorship must be created by an author, and must have some amount of creativity. If you are the author of an original work, then you typically own the copyright in that work. Protection usually arises at the moment of creation of a work, without a need for a registration, certification, or other formal act. In some European countries, there are optional registration systems available to creators (for example, Registro General de la Propiedad Intellectual in Spain; SIAE in Italy), but they only have an evidential or administrative function. In Europe, each country has its own copyright laws, but all copyright laws prohibit the unauthorized copying and use of original works, as well as. There are also laws which prohibit the unauthorisedunauthorized import of products from outsideinto the European Economic Area (EEA). or UK (and their sale therein) – please see the Parallel Imports section below. 2. How do I know if I own the copyright for one or more of the images that I am using on the product detail page? A person who authors an original work usually owns the copyright for that work. If you take a photo of your product, you generally have copyright protection in the photo that you took and you can use that photo on your product detail page to sell that product. However, if you find a photo on someone else’s website, you should not upload that photo to a product detail page without the other person’s permission.

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