Buyer's Help Center

Help Center for Buyers

Henry Darius

Last Update één jaar geleden

How to Open an Account?

Click on the open account for buyers, fill in the information, receive an account verification email, get verified, and log in.

How can I change my Username?

No, you won’t change your username once you’ve registered as a buyer. It helps to keep records of both buyers and sellers.

Can I change my password?

Yes, you can change your password multiple times. Log in, do to the dashboard, scroll on your profile, update the login credentials, and use the new logins.

How do I upload my profile photo?

Sign in, go to account settings, my account section, upload photo

I can’t sign in, what do I do?

Please make sure you have entered the correct account login credentials. If this fails, try and retrieve the password using the ‘forgot password section.’

How do I request a quote?

Requests for a quote are submitted by buyers and the seller receives the request and responds to the query.

Help Center for Sellers

How to Open an Account?

Click on the open account for buyers, fill in the information, receive an account verification email, get verified, and log in.

How can I change my Username?

No, you won’t change your username once you’ve registered as a buyer. It helps to keep records of both buyers and sellers.

Can I change my password?

Yes, you can change your password multiple times. Log in, do to the dashboard, scroll on your profile, update the login credentials, and use the new logins.

How do I upload my profile photo?

Sign in, go to account settings, my account section, upload photo

I can’t sign in, what do I do?

Please make sure you have entered the correct account login credentials. If this fails, try and retrieve the password using the ‘forgot password section.’

How do I choose the correct product category?

Choose one that’s closest to your product. If there’s no appropriate category for your product, contact support.

What do I do if another seller steals my photos?

Once this happens, please contact support for further assistance. We don’t condone plagiarism of any kind.

How do I know the sale has been confirmed?

Enter the seller’s dashboard and click on the completed or in-process sales. Click on orders and confirm the status.

How do I receive payment from sales?

Once the buyer chooses the payment gateway, we will confirm and release the payment. The disbursement of funds to sellers is only after there’s no dispute from the buyer.

Can I change my bank account details?

Yes, you can change your payment details as long as they are accepted by the platform

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