Adding Product Images and Videos on Miningwatchdog Marketplace

Henry Darius

Last Update há 6 meses

Photo(s): Upload images by clicking on the ‘Choose File’ button. The acceptable dimensions of the image are mentioned below. Once the seller selects the image, a pop-up bar will appear in which they can edit or resize the image. Clicking on ‘Crop’ will save the image. Once the image is uploaded, a message will appear displaying ‘Image Uploaded Successfully’.

Media: Here, the seller can upload an image to represent the brand. The seller can select the preferred language from the ‘Language’ drop-down bar as shown in figure. The ‘Ratio’ section shows two ratios each having different dimensions. The seller can select any one of the ratios as per their requirement for ‘Preferred Dimensions’. Then, the seller can upload the image by clicking on ‘Choose File’. After selecting the image, the seller will be displayed a pop-up bar to edit the image. Clicking on ‘Crop’ will save the image successfully.

The ‘Brand Request Successfully Sent’ message is displayed as shown in figure, which confirms that the seller’s request has been forwarded to the admin for approval.

➔ Product Categories*: Select the appropriate category in which the product can be added. The auto-complete drop-down list will appear as the seller begins to type. This list is admin-manageable.

➔ Tax Category*: The tax category under which the respective product falls must be selected. This list is admin-manageable.

➔ Minimum selling price [Default Currency]: Enter the minimum selling price for the product.

➔ Status: Select the current status of this product from the drop-down list.

➔ Product Name*: Enter product name that will be displayed on the front-end.

➔ YouTube Video URL: Seller can add a YouTube video URL for the customers to have additional knowledge about this product.

➔ Description: Seller can add additional information describing the product in the ‘Description’ text box provided as shown in figure. This information can help customers know more about the product.

➔ ‘Translate to Other Languages’ Check-box: Selecting this check-box, the system will automatically update content to other languages. NB: The ‘Translate to Other Languages’ button is only displayed if permitted by the admin. The admin can choose not to display this button due to which if the seller wants to, they will need to enter the content manually in a different language.

➔ ‘Secondary’ Language Data: Seller can manually enter all the details in secondary language. The seller must then click on ‘Save and Next’ to proceed further to the next tab. If the seller wants to cancel adding this product, they can click on the Discard’ button which will redirect them back to the page displaying the list of products.

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