Shop Inventory Product Listing Miningwatchdog Marketplace

Henry Darius

Last Update há 6 meses

The ‘Shop Inventory’ tab under ‘Products’ will display products that have inventory in the seller’s shop. Sellers can search for a product by entering keywords in the search bar provided on the top of this page as shown in figure. All the products listed here are displayed in the front end store. The ‘Shop Inventory’ list provides certain functionalities that are:

● Check-Box: A check-box is displayed at the extreme left of each product to select multiple options from the list. Selecting this check-box will display three options on the top-right side of the list, which are: “Activate”, “Deactivate” and “Delete”. Clicking on “Activate” will enable displaying the selected products in the seller's shop at frontend. Clicking on “Deactivate” will disable the selected products from being displayed in the seller's shop at frontend. The deactivated products will also be removed from this ‘Shop Inventory’ list. To add them to inventory again, the seller must go back to the product list page and click on the ‘View Inventories’ icon available beside the respective product. Clicking on “Delete” will remove the inventory from the list permanently.

● Status: Seller can activate or deactivate the status of respective inventory by clicking on this toggle. The toggle displaying ‘Green’ means that the respective inventory product is currently active and ‘grey’ means that it is inactive. NB: “Status on/off” and “Activate & Deactivate” buttons perform similar functions.

● Edit: The edit button navigates the seller to the “Inventory Setup” page where sellers can add/update various product details.

● Delete: The delete button will delete the product from the seller shop.

● Clone: The clone button is only available for duplicating the inventory item for products added by the seller themselves. The clone button will allow the seller to make a copy of a product but with few variations. Clicking on this icon will display a pop-up menu providing “Clone Inventory” form. The seller must make the required changes and click on the “Save Changes” button which will redirect them to the inventory list that also includes the newly added inventory.

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