Security and Privacy Miningwatchdog Marketplace

Account Security Miningwatchdog Marketplace

Henry Darius

Last Update één jaar geleden

Set a strong and unique password

Using the same password to log in to multiple accounts increases your security risk. If someone gains access to one, all of them could be compromised. To protect your online accounts, first create a strong, unique password:

· Use a series of words that you will not forget, but that would be hard for others to guess.

· Make your password at least eight characters long.

· If you have trouble memorizing the password, consider using a password manager to store your passwords in a secure place.

Update your password

Add a secondary communication channel to your account

Even the most secure email accounts are sometimes compromised. Hence, it’s important to have a secondary communication channel in place. To receive secure alerts and notifications, add your mobile number.

Register a mobile phone number to your account. If you have already added a mobile phone number, you may see an option to verify that number. (Note: You will only receive account-related messages. To receive marketing messages, you’ll need to opt-in in your notifications settings.)

Add or verify your mobile number

Turn on push notifications.

Keep account information up to date

Make sure your email address, phone number, mailing address, and payment methods are current. If we think your account has been compromised, we’ll contact you to verify that you are the person who logged in, purchased something, or made changes to your account settings.

Visit Login & Security settings

Use the “Secure Your Account” feature

You can proactively monitor sign-in attempts through the “Secure Your Account” option under the Login & security settings. If there is any suspicious sign-in activity, you can deny access. This will immediately sign out the sessions from your account.

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