Secure communication and Data at Miningwatchdog Marketplace

Henry Darius

Last Update 7 months ago

A recent review of your Miningwatchdog Marketplace account requires us to confirm the identity of a contact in your address book. Miningwatchdog Marketplace periodically reviews its customer accounts as part of its compliance with sanctions screening requirements. We securely store any information you provide as part of this request and only use it for compliance purposes.

To allow us to verify your account, follow the instructions. You'll be asked to verify the identity of a contact in your Miningwatchdog Marketplace address book.

If you don't have the information available, you can indicate this by using a checkbox on the data request page.

Until you provide the requested information, a pop-up message appears when you visit Once you provide the information, the pop-up stops appearing.


· If you don't provide the information, we may disable an address in your address book or suspend your Miningwatchdog Marketplace account until you provide the required information.

· To restore your access to the Miningwatchdog Marketplace site and services. After you provide the information, we'll reactivate your account.

· If your account isn't reactivated and you don't see an email related to this, check your spam folder.

If you have questions related to this request, contact us.

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