Creating A Seller Account Miningwatchdog Marketplace

Henry Darius

Last Update 6 maanden geleden

Method 1:

Users can navigate through the sign up module by clicking on the “Link” named “Become a Seller” available under the Extras Colum in the footer section or by clicking on the button named “Become a Seller.”

Methods 2:

Clicking on the ‘Become a Seller’ button on the Miningwatchdog Marketplace will redirect the user to the signup page. The user must enter their ‘Email ID’ and ‘Name’ and click on the “Start Selling” button which will redirect them to the “Seller Registration” form

a) ‘Personal Details’ the user must enter:

● Name: The name to be used.

● Username: A unique username.

● Email: The correct email address

Password: A password of choice.

● Confirm Password: Re-enter the password entered in the previous field.

● Terms and Conditions Checkbox: The seller must read the provided terms and conditions of the portal and click on the provided checkbox. NB: The user cannot proceed further without selecting this checkbox. NB: This section is admin manageable.

b) ‘Account Activation’: Once all the details are entered, the seller will click on the ‘Submit’ button and will be redirected to the ‘Account Activation’ form. On the top of this page, the seller will be able to see a message. This message instructs the seller to check for a “Verification Link” sent on the Email address by Marketplace Miningwatchdog Admin filled in the previous step. The seller must click on the link provided in the email to complete the email verification

Contact Number: Seller can fill up the preferred contact number.

Business Name: Seller must input business name.

Contact Person: Seller can fill up the name of the person to be contacted at the business

‘Confirmation’ tab: Clicking on the ‘Save changes’ button will navigate the seller to the ‘Confirmation’ tab. This tab will display a message that confirms the seller’s registration. This tab also shows the “Login” button (please refer to the image below) at the bottom by clicking on which the seller will be redirected to the Sign In page.

Method 3

By following method (II), buyers will be redirected to ‘Seller Approval Form’ when clicking on ‘Seller’ from the ‘Role Switcher’ button. The buyer must enter the following details:

● Contact Number: Valid contact number.

● Business Name*: Unique business name.

● Contact Person: Name of contact person.

The buyer will be registered as a seller if the admin has not opted for ‘Administrator Approval on Seller Request’. However, if this option is activated from admin end, an ‘Approval Request Submission’ message will appear to confirm.

The buyer will have to wait until further processing and will be notified whatever processing has been done from the admin end.

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