Seller's Shop Dashboard on Miningwatchdog Marketplace

Henry Darius

Last Update 6 months ago

When clicking on the ‘Dashboard’ icon the seller is redirected to the Dashboard. There are shortcut buttons on the Miningwatchdog Marketplace provided on the top-right corner of this page;

The functionalities of these buttons are explained below:

(a) Add new product: This shortcut button redirects the seller to the ‘Products’ module in which they can add a new product in their shop through ‘Product Setup’ form.

(b) Marketplace: This shortcut button redirects the seller to the ‘Marketplace Products’ page in the ‘Products’ module where the seller can view the list of products available on the website and can add new products. A new seller might not view any products initially or the products they might view will be the ones added by the admin which are also known as Marketplace Products. On the other hand, an existing seller can see both ‘Private’ and ‘Marketplace’ products. To have a better understanding about the types of products,

(c.) Store Inventory: This shortcut button redirects the seller to the ‘Shop Inventory’ page that lists all the product inventories added to their shop.

Since the seller has created a new account, there is no information displayed under any of the above sections as of yet. Sections denoted above are explained below.

(i) Sales: This section displays the total amount (in default currency) of sales for orders that are successfully completed and the amount (in default currency) of sales for orders that are in process. Please note that an order is considered as ‘Completed’ only when it reaches its dead state, in other words it reaches a state where no actions can be performed on it. The orders under ‘Completed’, ‘Canceled’ and ‘Refunded/Completed’ statuses are considered as ’Completed’. The orders with ‘In-Process’, ‘Shipped’, and ‘Delivered’ statuses will be considered as ‘In-Process’ orders. Clicking on this section will redirect the seller to the ‘Orders’ module.

(ii) Credits: The sum total of credits earned by the seller from all the successfully completed orders is displayed in this section. It also displays the credits earned on the respective date. Clicking on this section will redirect the seller to the ‘My Credits’ module. NB: An order is considered as ‘Completed’ only when it reaches its dead state, in other words it reaches a state where no actions can be performed on it. The orders under ‘Completed’, ‘Canceled’ and ‘Refunded/Completed’ statuses are considered as ’Completed.’

(iii) Orders: This section displays the count of the number of orders that have been ‘Completed’ and the number of orders that are ‘Pending’. Clicking on this section, the seller will be redirected to the ‘Orders’ module. NB: An order is considered as ‘Completed’ only when it reaches its dead state, in other words it reaches a state where no actions can be performed on it. The orders under ‘Completed’, ‘Canceled’ and ‘Refunded/Completed’ statuses are considered as ’Completed’. All the other orders will be considered as ‘Pending.’

(iv). Active Subscription: This section displays the remaining inventory upload limit and the validity time period (in days) of the subscription plan that is currently active. Please refer to Module 6 for more information. Clicking on this section, the seller will be redirected to the ‘My Subscriptions’ module. NB: This section will only be available if the Admin has activated the subscription module.

(v). Refunds: The count of the number of orders that have been refunded is displayed in this section along with the total amount that has been refunded for these orders. NB: Only the orders for which the ‘Return/Refund Request’ has been approved by the seller or admin and they have been marked as ‘Refunded/Completed’ will be included here. Clicking on this section, the seller will be redirected to the ‘Order Return Requests’ module.

(vi). Cancellations: The number of orders canceled either by the ‘Buyer’ or by the ‘Seller’ are displayed in this section along with the total canceled-orders amount. Clicking on this section, the seller will be redirected to the ‘Cancellation Requests’ module. Please note that the ‘Cancellation Requests’ page only displays the orders canceled from the ‘Buyer’ end.

(vii). Sales Graph: The sales graph depicts the half-yearly sales trend of the seller. This can help the seller view the sales trend over a certain time period.

(viii) Recent Orders: A list of latest orders placed by customers can be viewed under this section. This section will not display any orders for a new seller who has just signed up. However, once the seller has added products and begun the selling process, this section will start displaying the orders.

Each of the orders displayed is provided with necessary action buttons using which the seller can perform certain actions directly from this section. The eye icon will redirect the seller to the order detail page which is known as ‘View Sale Order’ page. The cross icon will redirect the seller to the ‘Cancel Order’ page. The ‘View All’ link will redirect the seller to the ‘Orders’ module.

(ix) Transaction History: This section displays the details of the recent transactions made from the seller’s wallet. This list is arranged in the order of most recent transactions on the top. The ‘View All’ link will redirect the seller to the ‘My Credits’ module.

(x). Return Requests: This section displays a list of latest Return Requests made by customers in the order of most recent orders on the top. This section will not display any orders for a new seller who has just signed up. However, once the seller has added products and begun the selling process, this section will start displaying the orders with return requests.

Each of the orders displayed is provided with necessary action buttons using which the seller can perform certain actions directly from this section. The eye icon will redirect the seller to the order detail page which is known as ‘View Order Return Request’ page. The ‘View All’ link will redirect the seller to the ‘Order Return Requests’ module.

(xi) Cancellation Requests: This section displays a list of the Cancellation Requests placed by the customers in the order of most recent orders on the top. This section will not display any orders for a new seller who has just signed up. However, once the seller has added products and begun the selling process, this section will start displaying the orders with cancellation requests.

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