Finding Products on Miningwatchdog Marketplace
Judie Paul
Last Update 10 เดือนที่แล้ว
Buyers can find products on the Miningwatchdog Marketplace by logging into their accounts. From the top right corner of your dashboard click on the home icon.

You will be redirected to browse the products available on the platform. By using the search bar you can either enter the name of the product, supplier, or services you intend to purchase.

Simply key in your keywords i.e. ASIC.

All the sellers with the product will appear. Use filters to customize your search and to get accurate and specific items. The filters give buyers various options check more details below;
The business type category allows buyers to select whether they want to deal directly with a distributor/retailer, manufacturer, or service provider. Select your preferred option for a refined product search.
You can move the selling price cursor to your desired budget. There is a category for brand and store location. Choose the type of seller you wish to engage with from verified, gold member, or founding member. Buyers can save their search to review them later by clicking the “save search” button.